WS19, ws18, ws38, 19 set wireless set 19 wireless set no19
WS19, WIRELESS SET NO 19, 19 SET, REME, REME Training Precise, WS18, 18 SET, WS22, 22 SET, WS38, 38 SET

The Wireless-Set-No19 Group
Royal Signals   -
WS19, 19 SET, Wireless Set No 19, WS22, Wireless Set no 22, 22 set, wireless set no 62, WS62, 62 set, wireless set 18, WS18, 18 set, Wireless Set 38, WS38, 38 set, PRC-320, prc320, prc-350, prc350, prc-351, prc351, racal, clansman, larkspur

WS19 Logo

The WS 19 Established & Designed in England 1940
Royal Signals Established 28 June 1920
The WS19 Group or Wireless-Set-No19 Group is for the open exchange of information and opinions about collecting, restoring, maintaining and operating the WS19, Wireless Set No 19 and all other radios, as well as line and other forms of comms equipment, used by the Allied forces before, during and after World War II. For organising operating events with the broadest possible participation. Anyone interested in military communications equipment, vintage and modern, are most welcome.
The Manuals section of this site provides the largest publicly available historical archive of military communication documentation in the world. Documents are available for download to members and non-members alike, with no charge. However, to protect our investment in time and money, all documents are password protected. Please see below for instructions on obtaining passwords.

Joining The Wireless-Set-No19 Group and its e-mail reflector are FREE - CLICK HERE to join.

Please note that ALL text and images on this WEB site are copyright and
can NOT be used by anyone for any purpose without our express permission.
(Take note of the copyright ©
2024 notice at the bottom of this page!)

Items For Sale
All items shown ARE still for sale.
Items sold are removed at the time of sale.
Click on links or images for full details of each item for sale



Limited time special offer on all models of R209 solid-state vibrator.
Click Here for details


Solid-State Vibrators, 6 volt, 12 volts, 24 volt in 4 pin, 7 pin and 8 pin bases.

For full information on all solid-state vibrator kits on offer, Click here.
The list of vibrator equivalents has recently been updated to include more makes/types of vibrator
that our solid-state vibrators are a direct replacement for. Click here.

We can now offer you a complete, ready to go, plug in replacement solid-state vibrator.
No building, no modifying equipment, just plug in and go.
Click here.

All our Solid-State Vibrators are the same physical size as the vibrators they replace.



SS Vib
4 Pin Positive Ground
Solid-state Vibrator

4 Pin Negative Ground
Solid-State Vibrators

Octal (8 pin) Solid-state Vibrator




SS Vib
4 Pin Positive Ground
Solid-state Vibrator


We can now supply ready made 4 pin solid-state vibrators
to replace the GRR-5 Filament Regulator Vibrator.

Click HERE for details.


Original Vibrators Converted to Solid-State, 6 volt and 12 volt 4 pin Negative Ground - Click Here

Ready made 4 pin Dual Voltage 6 volt/12 volt Negative
Ground Solid-state Vibrators
Click Here.

This new 6 volt/12 volt dual voltage Negative ground digital solid-state vibrator
is available as a kit too
Click Here.

For our 4 pin Dual Voltage 6 volt/12 volt Positive Ground Solid-state Vibrators! Click Here.

New triple voltage 6v/12v/24v GRC-9/DY-88 solid-state vibrator kits and ready made PCB,
information can be found Here.

Our range of solid-state vibrator kits are still available to allow you to reuse your old vibrators.
For more details of the kits available and prices Click Here.



An addition to volume 2, a previously unseen Voltmeter, Valve, UHF No. 1
used for the testing of the Wireless Set No. 19 B set RF output.


Louis Meulstee
Key and Plug Assemblies An overview..


Compendium 1 "Spark to Larkspur"
(Wireless Sets 1910-1948)

Compendium 2 "Spark to Larkspur" (Special Sets, Receivers and Larkspur) is divided into five main sections and sub-divided into chapters by application, operational use, range or family of sets, and date of introduction.

Compendium 3 and 4 "Foreign Equipment Data Sheets" (Part 1 and Part 2) contains a facsimile reprint of a German World War 2 publication entitled 'Signal Equipment' ('Nachrichtengerät'), also known as D50/13. The publication is Volume 13 in the 'Foreign Equipment Data Sheets' ('Kennblätter fremden Geräts'), a series of German Army publications providing data on enemy equipment, principally from Belgium, England, France, North America, Russia and Switzerland.

Compendium 5 is a facsimile reprint of 'Signal Communication Equipment used by Enemy Nations', a British publication providing technical and operational data on captured enemy signal communication equipment originating from Germany, Italy and Japan. It was produced by the Signals Research and Development Establishment (SRDE) in co-operation with M.I. 8 and first issued as a secret document in January 1944.


Compendium 6 is a facsimile reprint of 'Notes On Equipment' a modern reprint of a 1944 document issues by the Training Establishment, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, F Branch, which was based at Donnington in Shropshire. Notes on Equipment, Volume IV, was titled Signal and Wireless Stores, and was intended to give Stores personnel a grounding in the line and radio equipment used by the wartime army.


Browse the site:
  Manuals Section : WS Series and other UK and Commonwealth pre-Larkspur Radio Stations
    Aerials and Antennas
    Ancillary Equipment
    Audio Amplifier/Public Address
    Batteries, Chargers, Generators, Inverters and Power Supplies
    Test Gear - Calibrators, Wave Meters and Test Sets
    Larkspur Series Stations and Receivers
    Royal Artillery
    Miscellaneous Manuals
    Other UK and Commonwealth Receivers and Transmitters
    Royal Air Force
    Military Use of Commercial Equipment
    Reference EMERs
    Signal Training Documents
    Message Forms
    Signals Codes
    Telephone and Telegraph Equipment - Gallery
    Mine Detectors
    US Technical Manuals
    Radiation Monitoring
    Various Russian Radio Documents
    Various German Radio Documents
  Battery Specifications (originally from Defense Standards web site)
  Photo Index Page Linked to Documents
    A510 information by the late Colin MacKinnon
    R210 Article written by the late Colin MacKinnon
    EMERs By Number
    EMERs By Equipment Name
REME Training Precise
  Inverters for powering valve radio equipment
  Photos Section
  R209 Mk2 Restoration Project by Keith Watt
R209 Mk2/B Restoration Project by GuusNL11047
R209 Mk1, R209 Mk 2, R209 Mk 2/B and Accessories
  R210 Restoration Project - Including Mounting Tray, A Box, RF Filter and No 7 ATU
  Wireless Set No 62 Restoration Project
  Class D Wave Meter
Restoration of Power Supply No.5 by Brian Murfitt
  SL42 and SL56 component photos
  Radio Navigation Aids
  Technology for Artillery Location - Alister Mitchell GM3UDL
  The BRUIN Communications System - Alister Mitchell GM3UDL, January 2012
  The Ptarmigan Communication System
  Various Articles
  Miscellaneous Technical Documents
Historical WS#19 Documentation & Information, including Jacques Fortin's World-Wide WS#19 Inventories
>NEW <
Valve/Tube Data Books
  Royal Signals Posters
  Posters, photos and curios found in museums (By Mike Buckley)
  Group's Links Page
  WW II D-day Radio Broadcasts (in Real Player streaming audio format)
  WW II News Broadcasts (in Real Player streaming audio format)
  Winston Churchill Speeches (in Real Player streaming audio format)
  Military Information Films
  Photos of three original wartime battery boxes
  Scans of Dry Batteries, HT, LT and Combined Batteries
  Remembrance Day 2020 - images of Saltwell Park Gateshead, North East UK
  Lamps, Operator. An Overview by Chris Bisaillion and Louis Meulstee
  Tabby; Clive Elliott reviews early British ideas used to assist night vision, The History of Night Vision Goggles 1914 - 2014

(Please contact us to add any scans you may have, please use the Wireless-Set-No19 List Owner's e-mail address found here)

Manuals Section - EMERs and other military equipment manuals

WANTED - copies of ANY Military radio equipment documentation.
If you can help us please click
here for the scanning information you will need.

Joining The Wireless-Set-No19 Group and the e-mail reflector are FREE! - CLICK HERE to join.

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Members are expected to contribute from time to time to the Group discussions or contribute by sending us photos of equipment they have to go on this archive site or by scanning books for this archive or by writing articles to publish on this archive site (technical or non-technical articles); long term non-participation will result in further downloads being denied.
Records of Document Requests are kept in order to ensure, insofar as it is practicable, that the Terms and Conditions under which document requests are fulfilled are met. The information kept includes requesters’ names, their Display Names (where relevant) their email addresses, the date of the request and the documents requested.

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Password Gnome at work

No charges are made by the Wireless-Set-No19 group. Files provided by the Wireless-Set-No19 Group may be downloaded and viewed at no cost.
Although file-specific passwords are required for viewing/printing, these passwords are free to members & non-members of the Wireless-Set-No19 Group. Membership of the Wireless-Set-No19 Group is also free.
While the original documents are public domain, the scanned, digital versions are Copyright © 2024 Wireless-Set-No19 Group, all files are digitally signed, encrypted & watermarked as belonging to the Wireless-Set-No. 19 Group.

If you are not a member of The Wireless-Set-No19 Group, please give some consideration to joining us.
You have already shown interest by requesting material from us. Come and join the group and enjoy the other benefits that membership provides!

Joining The Wireless-Set-No19 Group & e-mail reflector are FREE! - click here to join.

Latest documents added to the archive (updated 19th October 2024).

Equipment..  Title
Reception Sets PCR Nos 1, 2 and 3 Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction, Alignment and Performance Testing, Tels E849, Apr 1950
Reception Set R209 MkII Technical Handbook - Technical Description, EMER TELS E272 (was E312/1) Issue 2, Oct 1953
Reception Set R209 MkII The Essential Guide to the Alignment of the R209 Mk2 receiver, Extracts from EMERs to bring together info in to one document to align your R209 Mk2
Racal PRM 4021 Workshop Handbook, Ref. WOH 7207 Issue 2.3.79-504
R209 Mk2/B Royal Dutch Army, list of components, Reception set R209 Mk2/B, Signal Corps5
R209 Mk2/B RAM128 Review of the R209 Mk2/B receiver
Radio Receiver Type 35A Post Office (P.O.) Radio Receiver Type 35A Operating & Maintenance Manual
R209 Mk1 Circuit Notes - Extract from possibly "Notes for Radio Mechanics Part 3"
R209 Mk2/B Communications Receiver Equipment - UPDATED with very high quality circuit diagram
Tube Tester I-177 TM11-2627, 3rd August 1944 and Changes to the Technical Manual 24th October 1945
Reception Set R206 Mk1 Reception Set R206 Mk1 Working Instructions, ZA20101 Oct 1945
Wattmeter Absorption HF No 2 Technical Handbook - Data Summary
Wattmeter Absorption HF No 2 Technical Handbook - Operating Instructions, Y621 Oct 1953
Wattmeter Absorption HF No 2 Technical Handbook - Technical Description, Y622, Oct 1953
Wattmeter Absorption HF No 2 Technical Handbook - Field and Base Repairs, Y624, Jan 1963
ZC1 Mk2 ZC1 Mk2 Working Instructions, Part 1 General Description & Operation. First Line Maintenance. Added to the NI Addendum Concerning Newzeland Radio Set Z.C.1 Mk1 (French) Jan 1946
BC611-A,-B,-C,-D,-E, and -F Radio Receiver and Transmitters BC611-A,-B,-C,-D,-E, and -F Repair Instructions, TM11-4019, July 1945
TF957 and TF957/1 H.F. Absorption Wattmeter, Types TF957 and TF957/1, By Marconi Instruments
R390/URR R390/URR Circuit Diagrams
RA. 137B L.F. Converter Type RA. 137B, Racal
RA. 237B L.F. Converter Type RA. 237B, Racal
R390/UUR Instruction Book for Radio Receiver R390/UUR Oct 1953
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 1 Introduction, AC No 61590 June 1979
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 2 Vehicles, AC 61590 part 2
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 4 Antennas and Masts AC 61590 Part 4
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover, UK/VRC-321 in FFR only, Part 7 Supplement 1, AC 61590 Part 7 Supplement 1
User Handbook for Clansman Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 2 UK/PRC-315/2 In FFR only June 1977 AC 61590 Part 7 Supplement 2
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 3 UK/VRC-353 in FFR only, May 1984
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 5 UK/PRC-320 in FFR and GS July 1981
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 6 UK/PRC-350 in FFR and GS Including TUL and TUM
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 8 UK/VRC-353Z in FFR only Sept 1981
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 10 Distribution Box 15-Way DC Power Dec 1979
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 12 Loudspeaker and Amplifier in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR only AC61590 Part 7 Supplement 12
User Handbook for Clansman Radio Installations in Trucks 1/2 and 3/4 ton FFR and GS Rover Part 7 Supplement 23 Installation of TRA No 1 with Teleprinter T100R in Trucks 3/4 ton FFR Rover only AC 61590 Part 7 Supplement 23 Jan 1987
General Purpose Transmitter Type AT-1 Stores Ref 10D/1267 and General Purpose Transmitter Type AT-7 Stores Ref 10D/1429, C.A.P. 63-1 2nd Ed, June 1944
Instruction Book and Parts List for Aircraft Receiver Types AR2 and AR6, 27th Sept 1944
Service Valve Equivalents, CV-Army-Navy-Air Force Types
Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-620 -A- B -F -G -H and J TM11-4022 Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-620 -A- B -F -G -H and J Repair Instructions June 1945
Wireless Set (CDN) No.19 Mk III EMER (CDN) Tels FZ 251/3, Wireless Set (CDN) No.19 Mk III Dec Issue 1 1943

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Site and all files are copyright © 2004 - 2024 Keith Watt RN (Rtd.).