Solid-state vibrator, solid state vibrator replacement, Solid-state vibrator kit, Classic Car Radio Solid-State Vibrator, positive ground solid-state vibrator, 4 pin solid-state vibrator, octal vibrator, larkspur solid-state vibrator
WS18, 18 SET, WS22, 22 SET, WS38, 38 SET

Solid-State Vibrator Kits and Ready Made Solid-State Vibrators

Classic Car Radio Solid-State Vibrator Replacement

Replacement Solid-State Vibrators for your equipmen

If you are unsure, Contact us HERE

The Wireless-Set-No19 Group
Royal Signals



>>>> Special Offer on ALL R209 solid-state vibrators <<<<
10% off the usual price until the end of March 2025.

R209 receiver solid-state vibrators are normally GBP 35.99 + shipping, but until the end of February
we are offering a discount of 10% off the normal price.

You can now buy a new solid-state vibrator for your R209 Mk1 or Mk2 or Mk2/B for only GBP 32.40 plus shipping.

Or if you prefer an original vibrator for your R209, we have two original vibrators that have been
converted in to solid-state so that they look all original, but are actually a solid-state vibrator.

If you are interested in an original looking solid-state vibrator for your R209, contact us and we can send photos
of what they look like, so you can see that they are truly original looking vibrators.

Usual R209 solid-state vibrator price details can be found HERE.

Contact us at wireless-set-no19+owner(at)

Replace the (at) with @ (This is to try and stop spam.)

All photos are close up views of our solid-state vibrators.
All our solid-state vibrators are the same size as the original old mechanical vibrators they replace.

Our Ready Made -VE Ground 4 pin vibrators are available
in 6 volt, 12 volt and 24 volt versions, GBP 33.99 each plus postage world wide.

Octal Vibrator

Synchronous solid-state, octal base vibrators are now also available in 6 volt, 12 volt and 24 volt
and are available for Larkspur equipment, GBP 35.99 each plus postage world wide.

Great upgrade to your Larkspur equipment and ideal for your R210 receiver!
No modifications needed to your equipment.
All ready made, just plug in and go.

For Classic Cars that use the Becker Monza radios
We can do a 6 volt, negative ground, 105 Hz, Octal base solid-state vibrator.
Please contact us at wireless-set-no19+owner(at) and point
out that it is an Octal base vibrator for your Becker Monza radio that you
would like us to make for you.
These solid-state vibrators are made specifically for Becker Monza radios and are made to order.

Cost is only £41.99 plus shipping.

octal base

octal base

View of the Octal Base of the Becker Monza radio solid-state vibrator.
Click on image for larger view.

We are proud to announce we can now supply 4 pin Positive Ground Solid-state Vibrators
that can work on both 6 volts and 12 volts positive ground without the need to alter anything in the solid-state vibrator!!

Ideal for positive ground Classic Car Radio Solid State Vibrator replacement and
valve/tube military equipment that require positive ground solid-state vibrators.

The positive ground solid-state vibrators are of a very similar specification to the negative ground models.

The price for a ready made dual voltage (6/12 volts) positive ground solid-state vibrator is only GBP 39.99 each plus postage world wide.

Positive ground solid-state vibrators are ideal for vintage vehicles where the vintage vehicle is positive ground.
We can provide dual voltage positive ground 4 pin vibrators to help keep your
vintage car radio working. If you want your positive ground vibrator inside an original
authentic mechanical vibrator enclosure, please contact us for a price quote.

Please note that positive ground vibrators are only available ready made and are NOT available in kit form.

Solid-state Vibrator Prices

Our 6 volt, 12 volt and 24 volt negative ground solid-state vibrator kits are the same price, only GBP 18.99 + shipping world wide. (Specify which voltage you require, 6v, 12, or 24v)

Our ready made 4 pin 6 volt, 12 volt and 24 volt negative ground solid-state vibrators are the same price, only GBP 33.99 + shipping world wide. (Specify which voltage you require, 6v, 12, or 24v)
Our new 4 pin dual voltage 6 volt - 12 volt negative ground digital solid-state vibrators specifically for the R209 Mk1, Mk2 and Mk2/B, are only GBP 35.99 + shipping world wide.

Our latest dual voltage 6 volt - 12 volt negative ground digital solid-state vibrator kit, only GBP 23.99 + shipping world wide OR Ready made/tested PCB + GBP 28.99 + shipping world wide

This kit, or ready made PCB or ready made solid-state vibrator is only suitable for the R209 Mk1/Mk2/Mk2/B receiver.

Our ready made (Larkspur) 8 pin 24 volt negative ground solid-state vibrators are only GBP 35.99 + shipping world wide.

Our ready made 4 pin dual voltage 6 volt - 12 volt positive ground solid-state vibrator is only GBP 39.99 + shipping world wide.

Triple voltage negative ground solid-state vibrator kits and ready-made that works on 6 volts and 12 volts and 24 volts negative ground for the DY-88/GRC-9 PSU - see below for photos;

We have a small very number of vibrators for the GRC-9/DY-88, these are original vibrators that have been opened and our latest triple voltage solid-state vibrator electronics fitted that works on 6 volts and 12 volts and 24 volts negative ground, the cost is only GBP 49.99 + shipping.

We can rebuild your own GRC-9/DY-88 vibrator, using our latest triple voltage negative ground PCB that works on 6 volts and 12 volts and 24 volts, all the same voltages the DY-88 PSU uses, for only GBP 39.99 + shipping back to you.

If you wish to rebuild your own DY-88 (GRC-9) vibrator, we can supply our latest triple voltage negative ground solid-state vibrator kit that works on 6 volts and 12 volts and 24 volts negative ground with full instructions on building/fitting the PCB in to your original DY-88 vibrator, for only GBP 23.99 or ready made and tested PCB for

Kits are complete with the PCB, all PCB mounted components, instructions on building the kit and how to connect the PCB to either an original 4 pin vibrator base/case or direct to the bottom of a vibrator socket of the equipment.
Octal and GRC-9/DY-88 vibrator connections are available upon request.

All components are through hole, no fiddly surface mount.

There are no modifications required to the equipment you intend using the sold-state vibrator or a solid-state vibrator kit in.
Solid-state vibrators are a direct plug in replacement for the old mechanical series or shunt fed negative ground vibrators or positive ground for the positive ground ready made solid-state vibrators.

The person building a kit will need to supply their own vibrator case/enclosure. The PCB will fit inside an original old mechanical vibrator can, this will ensure that the solid-state vibrator looks (and works) just like the original vibrator.

If you are unsure of what vibrator you need, please email us, and provide the equipment name/type, negative supply to chassis or positive to chassis, voltage supplied to the equipment (not necessarily the same as the vibrator voltage), original vibrator voltage, any details printed on the original vibrator, a photo of your original vibrator showing the pins and a circuit diagram of the equipment the solid-state vibrator is for is also a huge help if we are to determine what vibrator you need, I am only too happy to try and help, please email us at;


Change (at) for @ this helps prevent spam being sent to us.

Ready made plug & play Solid-State Vibrator replacements

6 volt or 12 volt or 24 volt (specify voltage when ordering) negative ground solid-state vibrator with professionally made PCB.
Double sided PCB for higher current handling, plated through holes and screen printed component part numbers.
Highest current switching Solid-State Vibrator kit, single working voltage, 6v, 12v or 24v (specify voltage when ordering).

solid-state vibrator pcb

New dual voltage 6 volt / 12 volt negative ground digital solid-state vibrator PCB with professionally made PCB.
Plated through holes and screen printed component part numbers.


Prior to installing the switching FETs so you can see all of the PCB.


This new digital solid-state vibrator is dual voltage, it will work on both 6 volts and 12 volts in an R209 without anything being altered within the solid-state vibrator.
In the GRC-9 or more accurately the DY-88 PSU this new digital solid-state vibrator will work on 6 volts, 12 volts and 24 volts, negative ground.
This latest digital solid-state vibrator is the same size as our other solid-state vibrator PCBs and will fit inside an original vibrator can.
This latest digital solid-state vibrator is available in kit form and as a ready made 4 pin solid-state vibrator.

All our solid-state vibrator kit PCBs are small enough to fit inside an original vibrator.

Have we got you confused over which PCB/kit/solid-state vibrator you need?
No problem, just email us at wireless-set-no19+owner(at) with the answers to the following questions;
1. what equipment is the solid-state vibrator or kit to be used in?
2. what DC voltage is the equipment connected to, 6v, 12v, 24v?
3. how many pins does your original vibrator have?
4. do you know the manufacturers name, part number and voltage of your original vibrator?
5. can you send us a copy of the circuit diagram of the equipment the vibrator or kit is to be used in?

All the above information will help us identify what solid-state vibrator or kit is best for the equipment you have.

If you are unsure about what solid-state vibrator will work in your equipment, please e-mail us wireless-set-no19+owner(at) with the details of your equipment telling us the make, model and if possible any circuit diagrams and we will tell you if we can supply you with a replacement solid-state vibrator.

Our ready made negative and positive ground solid-state vibrator replacements will all work on negative or positive ground equipment as appropriate. They are a direct plug in replacement for the old mechanical vibrators and will out perform the old mechanical vibrators in many ways. They have the same 4 pin or 8 pin plug on the bottom as the old mechanical vibrators have, so they will just plug in and replace most old mechanical vibrator with no modifications to the radio/equipment. If you are unsure about what solid-state vibrator will work in your equipment, please e-mail us wireless-set-no19+owner(at) with the details of your equipment telling us the make, model and if possible any circuit diagrams and we will tell you if we can supply you with a replacement solid-state vibrator.

Here are just some reasons for using the solid-state vibrator replacements;

1. No mechanical buzzing any more. This is great news for R209 users where the mechanical vibrations have been known to modulate the BFO causing a poor CW note and difficulty in tuning in SSB.

2. No interference anymore from the sparks across the vibrator contacts. These new vibrators are all solid-state, no sparks = no interference from the vibrator!

3. The contact resistance of the old mechanical vibrators can be considerably higher than the solid-state vibrator replacements, the solid-state vibrator replacements have an on resistance of under 0.008 ohms, that's less than 8 milli ohms.

4. Due to the much lower on resistance of the solid-state vibrator replacements, the HT regulation can be much improved. The HT voltage will dip much less when using a solid-state vibrator replacements than it will using an old mechanical vibrator who's contacts may have a much higher resistance than 0.008 ohms.

For the first 12 months, if it fails I'll repair it FOC. - (The seal on the vibrator case must still be intact and unopened.)

If you blow it up any time within the first 12 months, I'll repair it for the cost of postage.
(Provided you haven't completely melted the outer case or the 4 pin plug on the bottom and the seal on the vibrator case must still be intact and unopened.)

If you blow it up after 12 months, I'll repair it for the cost of parts and postage.
(Provided you haven't completely melted the outer case or the 4 pin plug on the bottom and the seal on the vibrator case must still be intact and unopened.)


To ask questions or place orders, please contact us at - wireless-set-no19+owner(at)
please remove the (at) and replace with @



Our sold-state vibrators has been tested on a number of pieces of WWII equipment and more modern equipment too. The sold-state vibrators will replace both shunt fed and series fed vibrators that use -VE ground, it can also be used to replace synchronous vibrators too with the addition of only 2 diodes.

It is not only the Wireless Set No. 19 that our solid-state vibrator kits and ready made solid-state vibrators can be used in, but all -VE ground equipment that uses a 4 pin or an 8 pin -VE ground vibrator.

These are only some of the pieces of equipment our solid-state vibrator kits and ready made solid-state vibrators can be used in;

WS19 (all models),


WS C12,




R109 (all models),

R209 Mk1,

R209 Mk2,

R209 Mk2/B,


Class D Wave Meter No. 1,

Class D Wave Meter No. 2,

PCR Receiver 12v PSU

New Zealand ZC1,

GRC-9 in the DY-88 PSU - requires 6 volt or 12 volt or 24 volt solid-state vibrator depending on what voltage you power your DY-88 from.

WS52 Remote Receiver,

Pye Dolphin Mk 3 Marine Radio Telephone (12 volt and 24 volt versions),

AR88 Communications Receiver 6V Vibrator Power Supply MODEL MI-8319-A.

AM-598/U power supply, used as a vehicular power supply for the PRC-10

PE-117-C Power Supply Unit

Larkspur B47

Pye Dolphin Radio Telephone model PTC110

Radione (Radio Nikolaus Eltz); WienReceiver Type R9 and R9N - Confirmation that our Dual Voltage Positive Ground Solid-State Vibrator is fully compatible.
POSITIVE ground Solid-state vibrator is used when the vehicle is NEGATIVE ground, and a NEGATIVE ground solid-state vibrator is used if the vehicle is POSITIVE ground. This is NOT a mistake it has been confirmed with an R9.
Solid-State Vibrator must be removed when using the R9 or R9N on AC, the same as you had to do with the old mechanical vibrator.


Our ready made solid-state Vibrators have been confirmed as direct replacements for the following;

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory 294 6 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory Type 629C 6 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory Type 650 6 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Plessey Type 614 6 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Delco 8542 6 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory Type G629C 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Plessey 121HD4 12 volt 4pin vibrator.
(Used in many pieces of equipment including the Pye FM Ranger PTC8002.)

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory 6634C 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory 634C 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.
(As used in the WS19)

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory Type G629C 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Plessey Type 1214 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Wright & Wear Type NS/12 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Wright & Wear Type NS/6 6 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Wright & Wear Z730004 SV4 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous positive ground solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory 12-4 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous positive ground solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Plessey 1214 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 24 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory M650C 24 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 24 volt 8 pin synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Vibrator X331C 24 volt 8 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 24 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Plessey 24I.4.SD 24 volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the Mallory Type G629C 12 volt 4 pin vibrator.
(used in the Pye Dolphin Radio Telephone model PTC110, from around 1948)

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the OAK TYPE 83, 6 Volt, 115 CPS 6 Volt 4 pin vibrator.

It has been confirmed that our 12 volt 4 pin non-synchronous solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the 12 Volts DC, Type NS12, MFG By Wimbledon Engineering Co. Ltd. Modren Surrey, England.

It has been confirmed that our 6 volt 4 pin non-synchronous positive ground solid-state vibrator is a direct plug in replacement for the vibrator used in the car radio of a PHILCO MOPAR Model 81.

Specify positive or negative ground. Contrary to the normal, the Receiver R9 and R9N require positive ground vibrator if the vehicle is negative ground and negative ground vibrator for a positive ground vehicle, this is NOT a mistake.

If you are unsure of what vibrator you need, please email us, and provide the equipment name/type, negative supply to chassis or positive to chassis, voltage supplied to the equipment (not necessarily the same as the vibrator voltage), original vibrator voltage, any details printed on the original vibrator, a photo of your original vibrator showing the pins and a circuit diagram of the equipment the solid-state vibrator is for is also a huge help if we are to determine what vibrator you need, I am only too happy to try and help, please email us at;


Change (at) for @ this helps prevent spam being sent to us.

From Andy Jackson G8JAC, 23rd March 2020;

Mallory Vibrator Type G650
EMER Tels A472 says it’s a 12 volt shunt-driven non-synchronous vibrator rated at 3 Amps. 
Coded as ZA4878 and also known as Vibrator No.4 so the British army used it for something, but the EMER doesn't say what. 
However, the EMER also says that the G650 is the non-sealed version of the Mallory G629C  ZA27012 also known as Vibrator No.4T which was used in the R206 receiver, the Wave Meter Class D No. 2 and various line equipments.
ZA4878 is also listed as equivalent to the Wright & Weaire NSB/12 which the RAF used as 10KB/909.

The solid-state vibrators run at the same frequency of 115 Hz as most mechanical vibrators, should you require a different switching frequency please let us know and we will supply your kit(s) at your required operating frequency at no extra cost. Should you require a different operating voltage than 6v, 12v, or 24v please let us know, we may well be able to supply you a solid-state unit to the voltage you require.

(Contact us to ask if your equipment can use one of our sold-state vibrators. wireless-set-no19+owner(at) )

If your equipment or power supply uses a vibrator, it is highly likely it will work and have improved performance with one of our solid-state vibrator kits or ready made solid-state vibrators. The use of one of our solid-state vibrators vs. an old mechanical vibrator; the HT will be more stable, the HT will not drop on load nearly as much as it does with a mechanical vibrator, this results in greater stability of your equipment. Why? Because there are no mechanical switch contacts to cause a voltage drop across, the sold-state vibrator uses state-of-the-art protected, high current, low on-resistance HEX FETs who's on resistance is less than 0.012 ohms (12 milli ohms), that's less than the contact resistance of even the best mechanical vibrator.

Our kits and ready made solid-state vibrators use only the highest quality components; Fibre glass PCBs that are tin plated not just bare copper tracks. All of the components used in our kits are sourced form reputable component dealers such as Farnell and RS Components.

For more information, feel free to contact us and we will answer any questions about the solid-state vibrators.

Payment for kits can be made via PayPal.
The kits are available from us to anywhere in the world, contact us to enquire.

GBP = Great Britain Pounds or UK Pounds or Pounds Sterling

To ask questions or place orders, please contact us at - wireless-set-no19+owner(at)

Comments made by those using our solid-state vibrator kits and Ready Made solid-state vibrators


The vibrators arrived yesterday, nicely packaged, work perfectly and look great (too bad nobody sees them except the person who repairs these radios)-nice work!
You may wish to add to your web site a photo of the octal based vibrators as no doubt there are quite a few Becker Monza radios that need replacements.


Hi Keith,
Your kit arrived today. It looks very professional and well documented.

Thank you


Just an update on the kit I ordered and its implementation in the AWA C6770 receiver I’ve been restoring. I ended up destroying an old valve to obtain the 7 pin base required for the vibrator socket and wired the diodes into the shell.

Basically, it’s working fabulously and the owner is thrilled. Thanks again for your help to bring this WW2 relic back to life.

David C.


Your kit is working! I have already used the kit for my AS-81, and it works very well.




Hello Keith,

Vibrator unit arrived and installed, receiver (R210) working extremely well.

Thanks for producing these units at extremely affordable prices and with fast delivery.

Best wishes,
Brian GW4.


Good morning Keith,

Thanks for a job well done !

Your new vibrator was installed into the PE-120B
power supply at my shop and the audio came up as designed. All voltages are just fine.

Thanks again !
Best regards and 73's, Harry KC3



Hi Keith
I received the 3 circuits (6v, 12v & 24v kits) this afternoon, everything is mounted, integrated in original cases and fully operational.
The 3 are delivering the same voltage to the radio.
It's great!
Thank you very much



Hi Keith,

You are the king.
You rock.
You know your stuff.
That vibrator
(for an AM-598A/U PSU) works excellent!!!!!
Thank you so much sir!!!!
I have been testing it for an hour now.
Talking to my daughter in her bedroom, she has a PRC-126.
1.2 WATTS out of my PRC-9.
Sounds fantastic.

I can't say enough. You really need to advertise more. May I use your name, post your web site and a description of what you did for me in the Army Radio page?




Hi Keith,
SS Vibrator just arrived. Beautifully made and finished, many thanks

Kind regards


Good morning Keith,
This is to tell you that your (well packed) package 'from the UK' just arrived this morning.
I put the vibrator (12 volt 4 pin) in its socket, I switched on (Pye Dolphin Radio Telephone model PTC110) and waaw... FULL HT on the receive-power!
Radio Caroline at 648 AM ... still alive on my 'long wire aerial'!

Dolphin Radio Telephone

Dolphin Radio Telephone


Hi Keith,
The SS Vibs arrived yesterday.
It took all of 10 minutes to replace the old mechanical innards with the new PCBs and install it in the old car radio - works perfectly!
It's a very nicely designed product indeed.
Thanks for the help along the way.
I've got a lot of old cars so you will likely hear from me again.

Best, Joe.


Hello Keith,
The vibrator kit arrived sy.
Thank you for such a super service!



Hello Keith,
That is a very nice kit. I used the two extra diodes that you supplied to
replace the function of the second set of contacts in the vibrator. The
arrangement worked very well. I plugged the solid state vibrator in and my
Sun distributor testing machine is now operating.

Thanks again.



I completed repairs on my transmitter and the solid state vibrator is working perfectly.
I have restored a correct charging engine and now (thanks to the new vibrator) both tx and RX are working exactly as they were when new...with DC from two 6 volt car batteries. Very pleased with the vibrator so thank you very much.


Andy 19-7-19


Received this morning and tested on two  DY-88’s set to 12 volts. Very good results over the original vibrator E201 as the boost to receiver O/P was about 15-20% improvement with both the IC vibrators you sent.
Will get round to assembling the (kit) circuit board and try that.
The instructions are very clear (for the kit) so thanks for your help and I am very pleased so will make sure to keep your details for any future purchases.



Just arrived.
Works great. My Gonset is working like a charm.
Just in case you want to know, the old vibrator is a: ATR vibrator Type 1840.


Best regards



Hi, Keith.
Your solid-state vibrator got my old Radiomobile Type B amplifier working again.
I just purchased another operating  Radiomobile Type B amplifier, but I will probably be getting another solid-state vibrator from you for that amp also.
Kind regards,



Hello Keith,
I received the package yesterday.
The ready made vibrator is already in de 19 set.

Works fine!



Hi Keith,
The vibrators arrived & i now have a fully working DY-88  
Unreal how both the original vibrators were faulty, especially the spare one mounted inside.
I will install the one in my R210 soon, just watching out on eBay for a decent 24v power supply to run the set.



I installed your solid state vibrator (in my R210).
The receiver is now 99% more quiet than before.
Operation successful !

Thanks and regards, Jarne.



All received ok and working.
How nice to just switch the PSU on and it works !
Thanks again Cliff.


The noise floor of my R209 was very poor and frequency dependent. I had to
set up my power supply for a 13.4VDC input to achieve a specified 95VDC HT.
In addition the IF's where all over the place and required a complete realignment
and sweep in order to restore sensitivity and bandwidth symmetry spec. Tube testing
the entire line-up revealed that V8 had internal shorts and leakage problems.
The RF section was peaked and realigned.

However, the set struggled to reach its S/N ration spec on all bands.

Enter Keith and his line up of solid state replacements for the old mechanical units. I cannot
recommend these solid replacements highly enough, absolutely silent in operation, more efficient.
I had to supply 13.4VDC to the set to achieve a specified voltage of 95VDC using the old
mechanical unit. For the new solid state unit it breezed by with 12VDC and a specified
voltage of 97VDC!! The receiver noise floor dropped considerably.

The old R209 has a new lease of life.. mainly due to Keith's electronic vibrator and a complete
tune up to specifications.


Hello Keith,
It has arrived, I have installed it - and my R209 Mk 2 has now sprung back
into life! Resolving SSB signals is also now much easier - as you predicted.

Very many thanks and Merry Christmas



Hi, Keith,

Just wanted to inform; the 6 Volt solid state vibrator has been tried with my radio and it worked beautifully.
The job has not finished though. Radio has to be put/installed back into its place.
I hope this would be straightforward and it will be lovely to see it working in the car.

Thanks very much for producing such a rare product.



Received safely yesterday, well packed and a nice bit of engineering. I'm very impressed.

Many thanks.



I just wanted to say that your solid-state vibrator turned up today and I was immediately impressed with the build quality. To my delight the unit plugged into the 1947 EKCO CR32 valve car radio I am currently restoring and fired straight up! It has been running beautifully on the bench for several hours now with no discernable heat build up and with vastly less RF interference.

Definitely one satisfied customer here!

All the best,



Your 12V vibrator for my WS19 was fast delivered and I am very glad to inform you that it works fine.
No mechanical buzzing anymore and more important no more interference from the sparks across the vibrator contacts.
Furthermore, I get about 250V (HT1). Practically no HT voltage dip when I turn on the A set !
(with the mechanical vibrator I got about 300V (no load) and about 200V (under load).

Now it is a pleasure to tune in the radio !
A must for all WWII equipment collectors !

Alex, HB9DTA


Hi Keith,
Your kit arrived this morning as you predicted. It's now built and Class D wave meter is working fine.
Many thanks for helping me out and prompt supply of your superb 6 volt solid state vibrator.



Keith, Great stuff.
I shall be recommending you to my colleagues if they require assistance in this regard.
Also I may require further items I'll let you know.
Thank you again,
Best Regards, Pete.


Kit received Monday thank you, found extra diodes all right, instructions look great, it went together perfectly.
The new one sounds much quieter, and the voltage is about 8-10 volts up on the old style one.



Yesterday I received the 6V solid-state vibrator in good order.
This morning I checked it in my "new" Class D no 1 Wave meter and I am glad to inform you that everything works fine.
It is a miracle to measure a deviation of less than 2 kHz with this about 70 years old instrument !
The DC-current consumption also is roughly nominal: 1.2 A .

Best regards,



Hello everyone,
I have recently purchased some solid-state vibrators from Keith (The Wireless-Set-No19 Group) to give a bit of lease of life to various WW2 radios I have that work from DC batteries.
I believe the vibrators that Keith is building are better made and do work very well.

So if you have any valve old sets that you have put to one side due to suspected mechanical vibrator problems like I did, then give Keith a try and get it working again.

From S.D. Fowler G0TGM


14-4-16 - Ready made 8 pin (Octal) Synchronous 24v vibrator

Hi Keith,

The R210 was given a good soak (test) with your (Octal Synchronous 24v) vibrator, it's working very well.
I decided to put my meter thermocouple on the case of the vibrator to see what temperature it got up to with the R210 receiver out of the case, if I remember it was about 38C.





(I've) Been testing one of Keith's new (Octal Synchronous 24v) vibrators in my R210, much neater than my effort using an old 12v vibrator can and a 6146 valve base, working very well, set is rock steady on 5.505 MHz listening to Shannon Volmet ( USB ), been on about 2 hours, can is only slightly warm to the touch, I will leave this on for the day and check the set again to see if it has drifted.

Well done Keith !.

Leighton. GW3FSP.



Built the solid state vibrator ...a nice the original vibrator is okay at the moment I will keep this as a back up ......
To do a quick test I ran it into two 47 ohms resistors in series with the center tap for the positive supply worked perfectly scope showed a nice square wave on either SW points..resistors got a tad warm of course.
A nice kit that worked first time great...thanks


Hi Keith, received the vibrator this week, thanks for the help, certainly given my power supply a new lease of life !!

All the best,
Rich ve3


Just had the capacitor across the transformer secondary go short
circuit (0.1u 1KV), blew a 10 A slow blow primary fuse several times in
finding fault, the FETs in the solid-state vibrator survived GOOD DESIGN!

John 2E0


Hello Keith
Well, the pigeon arrived, passed Saturday.
Excellent pcbs, clear schematics!

Thanks, again.
Kind regards,



Arrived his morning excellent service.



bloody hell keith that was quick ! thanks very much for you efforts.
All the best.



Hello Keith,

Thank you very much for the package of vibrator kits, I am just now about to make a start on them.
I would congratulate you for taking the initiative and time to organise this project, as the power supplies are often the difficult part of running old military equipment.
Thanks and best regards



Good afternoon Keith,
Just a note to confirm I have received the solid-state kits safely and well presented again.

I do hope that after my and other comments posted on the groups forum you are finding the interest the kits deserve. Anyway I'm delighted with them so will also enjoy making up the circuit boards as I need them, something I've not done for a long time!!

With best wishes and thanks for the hard work that's gone into this project,

Kind regards,



Morning Keith,

The kits arrived this am – thanks very much.
Don’t know when I’ll get around to building them, but not any time soon I think. They are more of a future investment.
Have to say that, as an ex-electronics bod, I’m quite impressed with your final product – neatly done and good documentation. Pat yourself on the back !



Just to let you know my 6v unit is now powering my Mk 1 R209 very happily, no annoying background vibrator buzz now.

Thanks for your efforts,

To ask questions or place orders, please contact us at - wireless-set-no19+owner(at)


NewGRR-5 Filament Voltage Vibrator replacement solid-state vibratorNew

We can now supply a ready made 4 pin solid-state vibrator to replace your old filament voltage vibrator in your GRR-5.
This is vibrator E102 in the circuit diagram within the GRR-5 TM 11-295/TO 16-30-GRR5-5.

The cost of one of our new ready made GRR-5 E102 solid-state vibrators is only GBP 53.99 + shipping worldwide.

To place orders, please contact us at - wireless-set-no19+owner(at)


GRC-9 Solid-state vibrator Replacements.(DY-88 PSU)

Give your GRC-9 a new lease of life with a state of the art solid-state vibrator

New triple voltage ready-made, kits and pre-built kits are now available for your DY-88.


Replacement 7 pin vibrator for use in the DY-88 PSU.

We have reached point in our supplies of the original 7 pin vibrators that we have only two original vibrator left .

Our remaining original solid-state vibrators now use our latest triple voltage technology so that the solid-state vibrators work exactly how the original vibrator worked. You simply plug the new solid-state vibrator in to your DY-88 and set the DY-88 voltage selector switch to what ever voltage you wish to power the DY-88 from and that's it. One solid-state vibrator does all voltages that the DY-88 does without changing vibrators.
We can offer these last two ready made solid-state vibrators for
GBP 49.99 each + shipping world wide.

We can offer to rebuild your original 6 pin or 7 pin DY-88 (GRC-9) vibrator, making it in to a solid-state vibrator.
You ship your original unopened vibrator to us and we will open it, build our solid-state electronics in to it, seal it closed again, thoroughly test it and ship it back to you.
There may be small tool marks on the bottom of the vibrator's can where the can has been opened and closed again to install the solid-state vibrator electronics.

The original vibrator will be dismantled, the old mechanical parts removed and a modern solid-state vibrator PCB fitted.
The vibrator case is then resealed and our label added showing model of solid-state vibrator.

This is done using our latest triple voltage technology solid-state vibrator PCB, this means your rebuilt solid-state vibrator will work in your DY-88 with the DY-88 set to 6 volts or 12 volts or 24 volts, this rebuild of your original vibrator in to a solid-state vibrator is only GBP 39.99 + shipping world wide.

We can supply our latest triple voltage technology solid-state vibrator kit of parts for you to make and build in to your own vibrator. The kit contains the PCB and all PCB mounted components plus the diodes required for the synchronous rectifier part of the vibrator. There is also full instructions on building the PCB and connections to your vibrator. Note that you will have to set the frequency of the PCB to 115 Hz using an oscilloscope, this is simple enough to do and the instructions show you how.
The kit costs GBP 23.99 + shipping world-wide.

If you would like one of our latest triple voltage technology PCBs ready-made, setup and tested for you to put in your DY-88 vibrator, for only GBP 28.99 + shipping world wide.

The switching FETs in the above photo are covered with heat shrink to insulate them.
The FETs do not require a heat sink because they do not get warm at all, but their tabs should
not be allowed to come in to contact with anything including each other.

The solid-state replacements we sell out perform the old mechanical units in many ways;

1. Better regulated HT due to very low resistance FETs that are used (8 milli ohm, 0.008 ohms).

2. No interference anymore from the sparks across the vibrator contacts.
These new vibrators are all solid-state, no sparks = no interference from the vibrator!

Simply put, the new solid-state vibrators will out perform the old mechanical vibrators in every respect.


To ask questions or place orders, please contact us at - wireless-set-no19+owner(at)